

This is star El Natik (or El Nath). It was the star most visible in the sky at the supposed time of the Nativity or birth of Jesus. The date 11.09.2001.AD (11th September 2001 A.D.) converts to 11.09.20 01.14 to KITAN, which read backwards is NATIK.
or written this way,
11 "K"
09 "I"
20 "T"
01 "A"
AD "N" (14)
NATIK rises from this date? Symbolism.

and KITAN is another way of spelling KITTEN or LION is born by this event?, the following day, 12-9-01-AD converts to LIAN or LION+MAN=LIAN as in LIGER? this is so ridiculous but follows a logic.

10-17-08-AD = 10-17-08-14 = JQHN (my 43rd bday written m-d-y-period)
17-10-08-AD = 17-10-08-14 = Q JHN (same day written d-m-y-period)
so Q as in Que me? or JQHN as in ?
10-9-8-AD or the Natural Countdown date (d-m-y-p) is JIH AD a month before I am Q'd?

remember what happened on date ABC or 1.2.03 or 1st.February.003, the Columbia fell like a falling star, with the first Israeli astronaut, into Palestine (texas)... what does it mean?

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