I'm impressed with your "Star of David" (Seal of God) theory, and the 'work' you've done to make the Triangle 'connections!'
I view the Triangles with regards to 'personalities', such as GOD, ANGELS and MAN.
The top Triangle is One Triune GOD, which has the name GOD within this Triangle. Outside at the 3 points, are written as follows:
GOD THE FATHER (at the top point). GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT..(lower left). GOD THE SON (Jesus...lower right).
The middle Triangle is placed 1-inch below the top Triangle and connected with a line between, BUT is placed UPSIDE-DOWN! This is done to show that God's Triangle is 'Stable' and He Created the lower two which are 'Instable (upside-down)!'
So, this second UPSIDE-DOWN Triangle has a name within it which reads: ANGELS. Outside at the 3 points are written the names of the 3 principle Angels we know about, as follows:
MICHAEL (at the 'upper' left). GABRIEL (at the 'upper' right). LUCIFER (at the 'lowest' point.
Lastly, we place MAN's UPSIDE-DOWN (bottom) Triangle 1-inch below the point of the 'middle' ANGELS Triangle, and connect the two together with a line.
Inside the bottom Triangle we shall label it: MAN. At the 3 outside points we label it as follows:
SPIRIT (at the upper left). SOUL (at the upper right). BODY (at the bottom point).
The scriptures basically reveal that the 'unstable' ANGEL Lucifer sinned against God, who then fell from Grace to Earth where MAN dwells, and took on the new form of a Serpent; who we now know as SATAN! He tnen beguiled and usurped the authority of 'unstable' MAN on Earth, where we now think the way SATAN thinks; who keeps us from 'believing' that Jesus death on the cross is the ONLY WAY to Salvation!
But God did a unique thing that SATAN does not know about. God actually "CHOSE" some to believe in Jesus and be 'born again', by sending His HOLY SPIRIT to "CALL" us and Teach us about Christ. But even though we KNOW everything to know about Jesus, we STILL cannot be saved until we are "ENABLED" by Christ Himself to believe and trust in Him! (Ephesians 1:4; Romans 8:28-30; 1 Timothy 1:12).
Now here's 'how' the Triangles work:
Upon being "CHOSEN" in Eternity-Past, then answering God's "CALL" and actually "ENABLED" by Jesus to trust in Him, a connection is made from God's Triangle down to "ENABLED" Man's Triangle.
This is where our own SPIRIT and SOUL are now connected to GOD, and we have a reserved seat prepared for us in Heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6)! So now we HAVE the assurance of Salvation, while we are yet down here on Earth!
But our BODY is yet NOT in God's hands! However, at either our DEATH or at the time of the RAPTURE when God will close the age, He transforms our body to a Heavenly Body that Christ has, and unites our SPIRIT and SOUL with the BODY. GOD then transports our unique 'upside-down' Triangle of SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY, to Himself; uniting us with His own 'Right-Side-Up' stable Triangle with His own SELF: FATHER, HOLY SPIRIT, and SON! See Rapture: (1 Thess. 4:16-18; Matt.24:42; 1 Cor. 15:50-55).
Now we see the symbolism that you talk about, in the Star of David! It's the Uniting of MAN's Upside-Down (unstable) Triangle, with God's Right-side Up (Stable) Triangle; to live with God Forever!
I'm sure that you can see David's Star in a whole bunch of places on Earth; and I think it's just a reminder to us of 'what's coming next!' It's coming pretty SOON!
1 comment:
I'm impressed with your "Star of David" (Seal of God) theory, and the 'work' you've done to make the Triangle 'connections!'
I view the Triangles with regards to 'personalities', such as GOD, ANGELS and MAN.
The top Triangle is One Triune GOD, which has the name GOD within this Triangle. Outside at the 3 points, are written as follows:
GOD THE FATHER (at the top point).
GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT..(lower left).
GOD THE SON (Jesus...lower right).
The middle Triangle is placed 1-inch below the top Triangle and connected with a line between, BUT is placed UPSIDE-DOWN! This is done to show that God's Triangle is 'Stable' and He Created the lower two which are 'Instable (upside-down)!'
So, this second UPSIDE-DOWN Triangle has a name within it which reads: ANGELS. Outside at the 3 points are written the names of the 3 principle Angels we know about, as follows:
MICHAEL (at the 'upper' left).
GABRIEL (at the 'upper' right).
LUCIFER (at the 'lowest' point.
Lastly, we place MAN's UPSIDE-DOWN (bottom) Triangle 1-inch below the point of the 'middle' ANGELS Triangle, and connect the two together with a line.
Inside the bottom Triangle we shall label it: MAN. At the 3 outside points we label it as follows:
SPIRIT (at the upper left).
SOUL (at the upper right).
BODY (at the bottom point).
The scriptures basically reveal that the 'unstable' ANGEL Lucifer sinned against God, who then fell from Grace to Earth where MAN dwells, and took on the new form of a Serpent; who we now know as SATAN! He tnen beguiled and usurped the authority of 'unstable' MAN on Earth, where we now think the way SATAN thinks; who keeps us from 'believing' that Jesus death on the cross is the ONLY WAY to Salvation!
But God did a unique thing that SATAN does not know about. God actually "CHOSE" some to believe in Jesus and be 'born again', by sending His HOLY SPIRIT to "CALL" us and Teach us about Christ. But even though we KNOW everything to know about Jesus, we STILL cannot be saved until we are "ENABLED" by Christ Himself to believe and trust in Him! (Ephesians 1:4; Romans 8:28-30; 1 Timothy 1:12).
Now here's 'how' the Triangles work:
Upon being "CHOSEN" in Eternity-Past, then answering God's "CALL" and actually "ENABLED" by Jesus to trust in Him, a connection is made from God's Triangle down to "ENABLED" Man's Triangle.
This is where our own SPIRIT and SOUL are now connected to GOD, and we have a reserved seat prepared for us in Heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6)! So now we HAVE the assurance of Salvation, while we are yet down here on Earth!
But our BODY is yet NOT in God's hands! However, at either our DEATH or at the time of the RAPTURE when God will close the age, He transforms our body to a Heavenly Body that Christ has, and unites our SPIRIT and SOUL with the BODY. GOD then transports our unique 'upside-down' Triangle of SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY, to Himself; uniting us with His own 'Right-Side-Up' stable Triangle with His own SELF: FATHER, HOLY SPIRIT, and SON! See Rapture: (1 Thess. 4:16-18; Matt.24:42; 1 Cor. 15:50-55).
Now we see the symbolism that you talk about, in the Star of David!
It's the Uniting of MAN's Upside-Down (unstable) Triangle, with God's Right-side Up (Stable) Triangle; to live with God Forever!
I'm sure that you can see David's Star in a whole bunch of places on Earth; and I think it's just a reminder to us of 'what's coming next!' It's coming pretty SOON!
See the "CHOSEN"Code and "COLOR"Code; VISIT:
It's ALL about HOW God 'works' in our lives.
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